HEALTH SCIENCE – since 1995

est. 1995
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Osteoporosis & Natural Progesterone

Osteoporosis & Natural Progesterone

Bone loss in women begins, on average, at age 37!

Osteoporosis is a disorder in which progressive bone mass loss and demineralization increase ones risk of fracture.  This condition permits us to observe how prescription progestins and estrogens compare to Natural Progesterone.

The standard medical protocol for osteoporosis is to use estrogen (HRT), (commonly synthesized from pregnant mare’s urine), in spite of the fact that the most authoritative medical textbooks do not support it.

The following article illustrates:

“Estrogens decrease bone resorption” but “associated with the decrease in bone resorption is a decrease in bone formation. Therefore, estrogens should not be expected to increase bone mass.”

Scientific American’s Updated Medicine Text, 1991.

Bone tissue should be broken down and rebuilt continuously, just like all of the cells in our body.

This process takes place when Osteoclasts help to dissolve old bone tissue, while osteoblasts stimulate new bone growth. Because estrogen has a rate limiting effect on Osteoclasts, Estrogen Dominance delays the breakdown of bone tissue but does not support bone building (osteoblast function).

Bone is a dynamic tissue that is constantly being reshaped by osteoblasts, which build new bone tissue, and osteoclasts, which resorb bone. Consequently, estrogens only slow down bone loss, not promote the formation of new bone tissue.

Progesterone stimulates osteoblast cells to get busy and form new bone tissue and it does so more effectively than any other protocol, including aerobic exercise!

Maintaining proper levels of natural hormones, giving due attention to dietary choices, dietary calcium, managing stress and regular exercise (all encompassed in our Lifestyle choices) are proven choices for the informed woman.