HEALTH SCIENCE – since 1995

est. 1995
A global publication for all things lifestyle & good health.

Successful Outcomes

Listent to the Experts…
Following are unsolicited testimonial letters & two brief videos from informed women (& men), who since 1995, have chosen Serenity Progesterone Cream.
While all of them are very touching, one of our favorites is the letter from Karen S. Don’t miss it!
And, for a couple of Professional Health Care person’s experiences, be sure to read the letters from Dr. Allen & Dr. Sandra T…
A Healthy Boy, at last…
Dear David,
I need to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the recent birth of my son.
I met you via telephone after reading your web page during my fourth miscarriage almost 3 years ago.
Ever since I received my first jar of Serenity two days later, I have lived life without the terribly agonizing symptoms of estrogen dominance & infertility, ultimately allowing me the greatest gift in life!
My son, Samuel David, (named after you) is a living testimony as to the validity of your page, and your products, Serenity.
May God bless you as He has my family.
Karen S.
Maryland, U.S.A.
Normal Thyroid Function, Again…
November 25, 2020
Hi Michael
I had been suffering hypothyroid symptoms for many years. My doctor dismissed my symptoms as “it’s your age dear”. I asked to be tested and my TSH was 3.01. My doctor also said my estrogen was elevated but didn’t comment further and didn’t offer thyroid medication.
I researched elevated estrogen on the internet and discovered Serenity progesterone cream and how it would balance the estrogen.
After about three weeks of using the cream I could feel an improvement in how I was feeling. Another TSH test a few months later showed my level had gone down to 1.9 and I had lost nearly 14 lbs in weight.
Eventually I was diagnosed as having hypothyroidism by a metabolic specialist Dr Barry Durrant Peatfield who explained the endocrine system and how elevated estrogen – estrogen dominance – can interfere with the thyroid hormone uptake. I now take thyroid medication. He also writes about the benefits of progesterone cream in his book ‘Your thyroid and how to keep it healthy’.
I use the cream every day as directed with five days a month not using it.
I am now 73 and have used Serenity progesterone cream for nearly 15 years. Compared to my friends, I sailed through my menopause, with no symptoms!
I am a member of a hypothyroidism Facebook and, because of my good experience with using Serenity progesterone cream, I advise women members to get their estrogen and progesterone levels checked as so many hypothyroid women are estrogen dominant. I suggest they research the Serenity progesterone website as it contains a lot of essential information. I also mention that progestogen and progestin are not the same thing as progesterone. And a pill is not as good as topical cream.
I recommend Serenity progesterone cream as, from my experience and research, it is the best there is and is certainly essential for women with hypothyroidism.
Keep safe, keep well.
Best wishes
Hot Flashes/Cystic Breasts
Dear Health & Science,
I want to congratulate you on the production of Serenity, Natural Progesterone Cream.
Although I had tried many other “natural progesterone” creams in the past, Serenity has been, by far, the most effective, consistent, and reliable one for the symptoms I was experiencing.
It has virtually stopped my hot flashes, eliminated the pain and swelling I had from cystic breasts, and even stabilized my moods!
Truly, this one product has made this time of my life much smoother and easier. I wish I had it 20 years ago!
On behalf of my husband and myself, a hearty, Thank You!
Yours Truly,
Sandra T.
Registered Nurse,
Naturopathic Doctor
New Hampshire, U.S.
The Experiences of Daniel F. Allen, D.C., P.C.
Arizona, USA October 15, 1996
Health & Science
Dear Friends at Health Science,
Thank you for your great service and delivery of the Serenity Progesterone cream.
This product has really taken off with my patients. I am seeing a lot of good results from the patients in just over two weeks. The most common report of benefit is with the women’s menstrual cycles – PMS & cramping. Problems with fatigue are clearing up.
The most notable is a 54-year-old female who has gone through menopause and was advised to take estrogen therapy. She has about a 50% improvement in her symptoms to date and has a new outlook about her health.
I have been practicing Chiropractic for 16 years in Arizona. My main thrust is the spinal adjustment. I have never been that involved in the marketing of nutritional, sports or therapeutic adjuncts in my practice. My own experiences with my health have forced me to educate myself, and now my patients, as to the need for proper nutrition, exercise, mental and spiritual well-being as the balance for maintaining one’s health. Most of us know that our food chain in America has been raped to the point of complete ruin in regard to mineral and vitamin content.
In my own research, I can show where medical and scientific research as far back as 1936 was giving health warnings that due to the petro-chemicalization of farming, our food was severely lacking in nutrients for life. It is no wonder that our health is in such sad shape.
The Serenity cream is one positive step in the rebalancing of proper body function, especially in women.
I have to tell you about my own experience. After our last phone conversation, in which you told me about the Serenity Cream helping with arthritic pain and conditions, I had to try it myself. For the past eight years, I’ve had the dreaded “chiropractor’s back”. This is severe pain and discomfort in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine. I must admit that I’ve been in denial with it, until now. I have applied the Serenity Cream over the area (only about an eighth of a teaspoon) for the last two weeks. After one application, almost half the pain was gone. Within a week, I was able to get the area adjusted without fighting or guarding the area, in other words, I can now relax in that area.
To date, I am still seeing 80 to 100 patients per day, three days a week, and able to get a good night’s sleep without waking up in severe back pain. I know that the progesterone and the herbs used are adrenal gland stimulants for the production of the cortricosteroids and that they will help to take out the inflammation in arthritic joints.
Thanks again for your help and information you’ve sent me about your product.
Daniel F. Allen, D.C.
Bone Density Results
Dear Health & Science

I am 54 and have been using Serenity Progesterone Cream for over 3 years now.

Recently, I had my first bone density test. I was very scared because I had a number of risk factors for osteoporosis. The results of my test?

Bones of a 25 year old!
My Doctor had never seen such a high rating for someone my age.
I am amazed and grateful!
Barbara M.
Maine, U.S.
Marge B.
Dear Health & Science,
A lot of women today are searching for alternatives to estrogen replacement. I was one of those women. In my search I learned A LOT.

Get a copy of the book by Dr. John Lee, MENOPAUSE: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You. You’ll get the gist of what the alternative health care MD’s are offering.  Simply put, it’s topical natural progesterone cream and soy in your diet.

I tried many natural progesterone creams and settled on SERENITY for the following reasons:
  1. It contains 2.1% (per 60 gm. jar) USP grade, American-made, natural progesterone…verified at an independent laboratory that specializes in natural hormones.  This is more efficient than other progesterone creams and therefore it is the most cost effective and the safest!
  2. The carrier (cream base) is heavenly and absorbs quickly and effectively (I find that I prefer it to my most expensive facial cremes!)
  3. The product comes with a booklet explaining the advantages and progesterone dosage to be used for different conditions.

  4. Product support is available from the company, either by phone or e-mail.

  5. IT WORKS !! I had 2 bone scans, 13 months apart. The first was before I used SERENITY. That one showed that I had Osteopenia, (fore-runner to full-blown Osteoporosis in several areas of my back. The second bone scan showed that I had increased my bone density in these areas and no longer was heading toward osteoporosis!!!

  6. It cleared up my foggy mind and improved my concentration.

  7. It eliminated my night sweats and insomnia.

There are many progesterone creams on the market making many claims, but this one delivers!
Women are looking for answers to the challenges of aging and this is a remarkable one!
Thank you for this fine product.
Most Sincerely,
Marge B.
South Carolina, U.S.A.
Hysterectomy Avoided…
Dear Health & Science,
I used the Serenity cream for over four months after I was diagnosed with abnormal Endometrial cells.
My Doctor insisted I get a hysterectomy. His reasoning that I was 48 years old, had three children, no plans for more and the cells could end up cancerous. I told him I wanted to use the cream for a few months and then have another biopsy. He became quite angry with me saying “Why don’t you just do what I say?!” and he went on to say that the cream could not be regulated and would not help me.
Before the biopsy this first doctor had recommended HRT for me.

Needless to say, I switched to another doctor.  When I investigated on the internet I found out about Serenity.  I used it for over 4 months and then my new doctor did a D&C.  She said we will try it but 95% of the cases are the same – but maybe we will have a miracle.

Well, we did – my cells were all 100% normal.

So I am very grateful to Serenity Creams.

I would have had an unnecessary operation if I had not investigated and took charge of my own health. And by the way, I always put my situations in God’s hands and this was an answer to my prayers.
Thank you
Sheila Simons
Van Nuys,
California, USA